
Music is My Life ** jwl **

We are all aware that music and "atmosphere" go together. We might put on relaxing music for a quiet romantic dinner, but listen to something livelier while doing some physical work or exercise or out socializing in larger groups.
You might have heard that listening to fast music whilst driving increases the rate of car accidents, and the Mozart Effect claims to increase intelligence.
While some claims may be exaggerated, there is no denying that music can suggest and affect our state of mind. But the reason for this is very mysterious.

Music tends to have a steady tempo to it, often measured in
"beats per minute".
A simple observation is that most music is in the range of 50-200 beats per minute, the same as the extreme range of our heartbeats. In general too, the tempo of a piece of music roughly equates with the heartbeat associated with the corresponding physical state or emotion which the music suggests.

Anything in the range 60-80 beats per minute is 
calm and relaxed, less than 60 is often very relaxed, introspective or even depressed. 80-100 is moderately alert and interested. 100 upwards is increasingly lively, excited or agitated and, since we crave some degree of excitement from our entertainment, 80-120 is quite a common tempo, and even 120-160 is common in some energetic situations.
We're not saying that there is an absolute correspondence between heartbeat and music tempo, but there is a strong degree of suggestion between the two.
Music moves in time and suggests movement, and we tend to associate music unconsciously with movements made by our bodies while talking, walking, running, dancing, riding, etc.

I remember a friend of mine once told me ~~ Music is My Life ~~ 
I can see his Love for music is so deep when i saw these pictures that he send to me. 
Thank you for sharing. :)

his precious audios ^^

the single one in the first row is CD player.

the three of second row are from left to right
1. network player.
2. Integrated Amplifier for sub system
3. NAS - storage for music.

the 5 items of last row are from left to right
1. CDT - CD transpot
2. DAC
3. Power Amplifier
4. Pre Amplifier
5. Power supply for Pre Amplifier.

to make sound more prefect, this is what he made .....
Now....The wall is a mounted with Diffractal.  The Diffractal® provides full spectrum sound diffusion in a single integrated diffusor. To achieve this, the self similarity property of fractals was combined with the uniform scattering property of a quadratic sound diffuser. This unique and patented design expands the bandwidth and offers the broadest spectrum of sound diffusion available. 

Before.....The wall was mounted with Abffusor.

His CDs And DVDs collection. ^_^

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