Pineapple Express Eases Knee Pain
Aside from high levels of vitamin C, pineapples are a good source of calcium, potassium and fibre, as well as being low in fat and cholesterol. But what makes this tropical fruit truly unique? It contains an enzyme knownas bromelain, which aids digestion and causes the body to produce substances that fight pain, swelling and inflammation.
Preliminary studies suggest bromelain extract may be especially effective in treating pain associated with knee osteoarthritis, and may
be a possible alternative to non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs.
New Designs on an Old-Timer
Australian food growers have given the favorite summer staple an overhaul. Researchers in Queensland have developed a new pineapple variety - the Aus-Jubilee - that is sweeter and has double the vitamin C of other varieties. The new fruit also has good resistance to blackheart (internal browning). While current supply is limited, availability is expected to improve over the next two years, says Dr Garth Sanewski, senior horticulturalist at Agri-Science Queensland.

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