
Homemade Tortillas :))

Homemade Tortillas

Do you like burritos? Of course you do. Do you like quesadillas? Of course you do. Do you like thing-made-with-a-tortilla-ios? Of course you do. Do you want to learn how to make your own homemade tortillas? No? Well…I’m going to tell you how anyways, because this recipe is simple, quick and delicioso!

What you need(to make about 35’illas):
1 kg Flour (all purpose) + 1 cup for rolling surface
1 1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 tbsp. Baking powder
2 tbsp. Salt
1 1/2 cup warm water

How you make it:
-Mix all your drys (flour, baking powder, salt) and form into a “Mountain”
-Make a “hole” in the mountain of flower…also known as a volcano.
-Pour your oil and water into the hole and start mixing.
-When dough is firm to the touch, gently knead on a flat surface.
-Break off golf ball-sized pieces and form into round balls and place on a floured cookie sheet or wood cutting board.
-Cover your balls with a damp paper towel and let them rest for 30 minutes.
-Place a ball on a floured surface and roll out into roughly six-inch flats.
-Cook on a skillet at medium heat (no oil needed) for about one minute per side. -Just like pancakes. The first one will suck—this is your “tester”. Once you get the hang of it, they’ll come off easy.

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Do you like burritos? Of course you do. Do you like quesadillas? Of course you do. 
Do you like thing-made-with-a-tortilla-ios? Of course you do. 
Do you want to learn how to make your own homemade tortillas? 
Well…here's a simple recipe, quick and delicious!

What you need (to make about 35 tortillas):

1 kg Flour (all purpose) + 1 cup for rolling surface

1 1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 tbsp. Baking powder

2 tbsp. Salt

1 1/2 cup warm water

How you make it:

-Mix all your drys (flour, baking powder, salt) and form into a “Mountain”

-Make a “hole” in the mountain of flower…also known as a volcano.

-Pour your oil and water into the hole and start mixing.

-When dough is firm to the touch, gently knead on a flat surface.

-Break off golf ball-sized pieces and form into round balls and place on a floured cookie sheet or wood cutting board.

-Cover balls with a damp paper towel and let them rest for 30 minutes.

-Place a ball on a floured surface and roll out into roughly six-inch flats.

-Cook on a skillet at medium heat (no oil needed) for about one minute per side. -Just like pancakes. 
The first one will suck—this is your “tester”. 
Once you get the hang of it, they’ll come off easy.

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